June 2016 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
idelkadi 2016-06-29 17:24 Rev.: 2582

Correction d'ereur d'allocation de tableaux introduite lors de l'implementation du simulateur AIRS

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2016-06-29 15:29 Rev.: 2581

Missing some default parameters from the convection.def file inclusion

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

idelkadi 2016-06-29 14:23 Rev.: 2580

Implementation du simulateur AIRS:
Le but du simulateur est de permettre la comparaison de proprietes macro-et microphysiques des nuages hauts de LMDZ avec celles restituees par les observations du satellite AIRS (Atmospheric IR Sounder). La methode est decrite dans Hendricks et al. Meteorol. Z., 2010

1695 lines of code changed in 9 files:

jyg 2016-06-23 17:24 Rev.: 2579

small bug

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2016-06-21 15:35 Rev.: 2578

Forgot the Id keywords

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

fairhead 2016-06-21 15:34 Rev.: 2577

Def files for NPv5.6

454 lines of code changed in 2 files:

dcugnet 2016-06-20 19:29 Rev.: 2576

Use "traditional" sst/sic files without additional records from contiguous years,
but check for previous and next files. Example for Amip Sea Surface Temperature:
* amipbc_sst_1x1.nc must be present.
* if amipbc_sst_1x1_m.nc is present (previous year), its last record is used
for interpolation ; otherwise, the last record of amipbc_sst_1x1.nc is used.
* if amipbc_sst_1x1_p.nc is present (next year), its first record is used
for interpolation ; otherwise, the first record of amipbc_sst_1x1.nc is used.
If both contiguous fiels are missing, the interpolation then implies periodicity.
Note: grid_noro0 has been moved from limit_netcd to grid_noro_m where it belongs.

204 lines of code changed in 2 files:

acozic 2016-06-16 10:47 Rev.: 2575

for the VLR configuration add some modification from the trunk to fit with INCA version use

44 lines of code changed in 10 files:

fhourdin 2016-06-15 13:26 Rev.: 2574

Bug fixing

52 lines of code changed in 2 files:

fhourdin 2016-06-15 02:49 Rev.: 2573

Reactivation du parametre lmixmin

17 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jghattas 2016-06-14 16:16 Rev.: 2572

Corected bug introduced in rev [2240] : guistiness was added in the subroutine surf_land_orchidee in the default module but the old module were forgotten.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jghattas 2016-06-14 13:51 Rev.: 2571

* copied previous default module surf_land_orchidee_mod.f90 into surf_land_orchidee_noz0h.f90. This interface can still be compiled if adding cpp key ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H
* modified default interface by adding z0h as output from ORCHIDEE.
* added comments in each module surf_land_orchidee_xxx of compatiblity with ORCHIDEE.
* all modules surf_land_orchidee_xxx now send back z0h and z0m to surf_land_mod. But note that z0m and zOh are different only in the new default version surf_land_orchidee_mod.f90. In the old interfaces, z0h is a copy of z0m.

cosp : some small changes to be able to compile with gfortran

711 lines of code changed in 7 files:

fairhead 2016-06-14 09:18 Rev.: 2570

Removing modifications that should not have been made directly on testing branch

4 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fairhead 2016-06-14 09:16 Rev.: 2569

Pour retrouver 1+1=2 avec iflag_albedo=1

12 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fairhead 2016-06-13 16:55 Rev.: 2568

Pour retrouver 1+1=2 avec iflag_albedo=1

14 lines of code changed in 3 files:

acozic 2016-06-13 10:23 Rev.: 2567

correct a bug / hadv_inca and vadv_inca need to be defined even when we don't use inca model

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

acozic 2016-06-10 16:52 Rev.: 2566

Now h2o tracer will be read in traceur.def even for inca configuration

72 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jyg 2016-06-10 16:01 Rev.: 2565

Some small improvements to the 1D model:
(1) initialization of pbl_tke (-> 1+1=2);
(2) bug fix concerning nudge_tsoil=y;
(3) possibility of a constant moisture convergence
when forcing_type=0.

49 lines of code changed in 4 files:

fhourdin 2016-06-10 14:55 Rev.: 2564

almost nothing

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fhourdin 2016-06-10 14:16 Rev.: 2563

Modification des xml en lien avec la derniere modification
de phys_output_write

76 lines of code changed in 7 files:

fhourdin 2016-06-10 14:15 Rev.: 2562

Modification niveaux de sortie

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fhourdin 2016-06-10 14:04 Rev.: 2561

Parametrisation d'une longueur de melange verticale minimum associee
aux circulations meso-echelle introduites par le relief sous maille.
D'apres Etienne Vignon et Frédéric Hourdin

585 lines of code changed in 7 files:

idelkadi 2016-06-10 13:32 Rev.: 2560

Correction pour les champs de sortie MODIS.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

idelkadi 2016-06-10 13:16 Rev.: 2559

Rajout de diagnostiques de sorties pour le simulateur MODIS.

128 lines of code changed in 4 files:

jyg 2016-06-10 13:03 Rev.: 2558

Introduction of the Effective Lifting Power (ELP),
which takes into account the area (cv_feed_area)
covered by thermals contributing to each
The use of ELP prevents singularities when the
trigger probability tends to zero. It is
activated by iflag_clos_bl = 3.
The ELP values are stored in the ALP_bl variable.

120 lines of code changed in 1 file:

idelkadi 2016-06-10 13:03 Rev.: 2557

Rajout de la definition de 2 axes "temp" et "cth16" pour les sorties Cosp.
A decommenter l'ensemble des lignes permettant de definir ces axes si l'on veut activer Cosp !

14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jyg 2016-06-10 12:23 Rev.: 2556

Correcting a bug in alpale_th.F90: now
proba_notrig and random_notrig are arguments of
subroutine alpale; their values are present in the
output files.

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

fairhead 2016-06-09 15:14 Rev.: 2555

Added new output variable from r2553 in xml files

8 lines of code changed in 7 files:

jyg 2016-06-09 14:24 Rev.: 2554

1/ Correcting a bug in alpale.F90: now ale_wk and
alp_wk are arguments of subroutine alpale;
their values are present in the output files.

2/ Minor changes to alpale_th.F90: (i) the
(commented) part relative to TKE transport is put
back in "physiq"; (ii) the part dealing with
iflag_coupl=2 terminates with a STOP.

15 lines of code changed in 3 files:

jyg 2016-06-09 12:01 Rev.: 2553

New output variable: ocond = condensed water (kg/kg)

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jyg 2016-06-09 11:36 Rev.: 2552

En enlevant les prints !!!!

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jyg 2016-06-09 11:30 Rev.: 2551

Some improvements to commits 2548 and 2549

9 lines of code changed in 4 files:

oboucher 2016-06-08 22:19 Rev.: 2550

Correcting a bug in the calculation of od550_strat
Computing od_10um_strat in readaerosolstrato*.F90

36 lines of code changed in 6 files:

jyg 2016-06-08 18:17 Rev.: 2549

Seqel of commit 2548: fix concerning time in phys_output_write.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jyg 2016-06-08 11:02 Rev.: 2548

Bug fix concerning time.
Another fix is needed concerning time in phys_output_write.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jbmadeleine 2016-06-07 15:48 Rev.: 2547

Ajout de l'option iflag_cloudth_vert=2 developpe par Jean Jouhaud pour l heterogeneite verticale sous maille des
nuages. Pour le moment, l ecart type de la pdf verticale vaut la moitie de l ecart type de la pdf horizontale.
Le iflag_cloudth_vert=1 conserve l heterogeneite verticale telle qu introduite par Arnaud Jam en Avril 2015.

77 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fairhead 2016-06-07 09:55 Rev.: 2546

Merged trunk changes r2541:2545 into testing branch

10 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fairhead 2016-06-07 09:46 Rev.: 2545

Rollback for revision r2538: calculation of the fluxes is correct but transmission
to coupler is broken

10 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fairhead 2016-06-07 08:55 Rev.: 2544

Rolling back revision r2543 which should not have been committed straight on
the testing branch

17 lines of code changed in 3 files:

jbmadeleine 2016-06-06 18:51 Rev.: 2543

Ajout de l'option iflag_cloudth_vert=2 developpe par Jean Jouhaud pour l heterogeneite verticale sous maille des nuages.

Pour le moment, l ecart type de la pdf verticale vaut la moitie de l ecart type de la pdf horizontale.

Le iflag_cloudth_vert=1 conserve l heterogeneite verticale telle qu introduite par Arnaud Jam en Avril 2015.

136 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fairhead 2016-06-06 16:04 Rev.: 2542

Merged trunk changes r2487:2541 into testing branch

3184 lines of code changed in 68 files:

fairhead 2016-06-06 14:15 Rev.: 2541

Stratomask is not necessarily defined

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

dcugnet 2016-06-03 20:02 Rev.: 2540

Improved time interpolation for "limit.nc" files, depending on the number
of records found in the input SST/SIC files:
* 14 records => for interannual runs.
Record nr. 1 contains the december field of the previous year.
Record nr. 14 contains the january field of the next year.
* 12 records => for climatic runs.
Records 1 and 14 are duplicated from records 13 and 2.
* as much records as need by the LMDZ calendar for the considered year
=> no time interpolation at all (typically: for guided runs with
SST and SIC known every day).
In the first case: typical SST daily increment is about 0.04K at 3 sigmas.
The gap between 2 years (last day of previous - first day of current year)
decreases from 1K at 3 sigmas (former method) to 0.25K (improved method).
Could be improved a bit by taking even more records (16 ?) and a lot by
interpolating the whole time serie together.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

oboucher 2016-06-03 19:06 Rev.: 2539

Changed nbands_sw_rrtm to NSW and nbands_lw_rrtm to NLW to be completely rrtm-proof

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2016-06-03 16:12 Rev.: 2538

Computation of heat fluxes associated with solid and liquid precipitations
over ocean and seaice. Quantities are sent to the coupler

259 lines of code changed in 11 files:

oboucher 2016-06-03 15:06 Rev.: 2537

Removing this routine. It is replaced by readaerosolstrato1_rrtm.F90

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

oboucher 2016-06-03 15:04 Rev.: 2536

Introducing stratomask diagnostic on where the stratosphere is
flag_aerosol_strat = 2 for CMIP6 strat aerosol forcing

594 lines of code changed in 7 files:

oboucher 2016-06-02 17:21 Rev.: 2535

Changing flag_aerosol_strat to 0 default value instead of false

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

musat 2016-06-02 16:24 Rev.: 2534

Add ratqsp0 and ratqsdp flags to control ratqs profile via
physiq.def for iflag_ratqs=4.
Default values are as before: ratqsp0=50000., ratqsdp=20000.

11 lines of code changed in 2 files:

fairhead 2016-06-01 15:51 Rev.: 2533

Undoing revision r2528 which should not have been done on the testing branch

40 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2016-06-01 14:48 Rev.: 2532

Bug fix: For high resolutions or particular zoom center locations, an output cell (LMDZ grid) with no matching input cells ("landiceref.nc" file grid) caused a crash.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

May 2016 »

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