November 2011 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
emillour 2011-11-30 17:01 Rev.: 1597

Enforce that BLAS routine DGEMM is only used if 'BLAS' preprocessing flag is set; otherwise use matmul instead (this is already the case in filtreg.F which is used in the sequential version of the code).

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

ymeurdesoif 2011-11-29 12:45 Rev.: 1593

Add arch files for Curie


14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

emillour 2011-11-26 08:57 Rev.: 1592

Minor cleanup: remove unused variables nbetat, nbetatmoy and nbetatdem.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

emillour 2011-11-25 11:12 Rev.: 1591

Minor corrections in filter: some arrays were oversized and the computation of the indexes from which the filter is applied could go wrong (in extreme cases, e.g. with very little grid points combined to a zoom).

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

jghattas 2011-11-10 16:20 Rev.: 1584

Modified filename for specific case aer_type=mix3. Now same filename
used for SO4 and the rest of aerosols.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jghattas 2011-11-07 14:59 Rev.: 1582

Added option aer_type=mix3 : SO4 aerosols change annualy and the rest of
aerosols stays constant preindustrial.

A. Caubel, JG

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2011-11-07 13:30 Rev.: 1580

Inclusion des physiq.def et config.def utilisés pour les
simulations couplées AR5 nouvelle physique (IPSLCM5B)


Inclusion of the physiq.def and config.def used in the new physiq
coupled AR5 simulations (IPSLCM5B)

240 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jghattas 2011-11-04 23:21 Rev.: 1579

Added latitudes and longitudes in traclmdz_init to simplify initialization of new tracers.

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jghattas 2011-11-03 11:05 Rev.: 1578

- Add fcm in LMDZ5/tools directory
It is no longer needed to have fcm in your environement PATH variable.
Now makelmdz_fcm takes by default this fcm. It is still possible to use
another fcm, using -fcm_path argument in makelmdz_fcm.

42972 lines of code changed in 114 files:

October 2011 »

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