September 2013 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
emillour 2013-09-30 09:31 Rev.: 1879

Added some missing initializations.

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2013-09-27 13:24 Rev.: 1878

Adaptations nécessaires suite à commits récents


1D follow-ups to recent commits

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2013-09-25 15:35 Rev.: 1877

Ménage sur le code pour éliminer les calculs spécifiques ISCCP hors COSP
Un certain nombre de variables non utilisées dans physiq.F90 ont aussi
été supprimée. Environ 840 lignes supprimées du code physiq.F90


Code cleanup to eliminate specific references to ISCCP outside the COSP
library. Unused variables have been cleaned up from the physiq.F90 routine
as well.

27 lines of code changed in 12 files:

fairhead 2013-09-20 16:31 Rev.: 1875

Même si c'est "interdit", réinclusion de g95 dans makegcm pour le 1D en local


Even if frowned upon, g95 is introduced back in the compilation choice for local 1D jobs

14 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2013-09-20 12:01 Rev.: 1874

Bug correction

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2013-09-20 11:57 Rev.: 1873

Pour faire les liens avec la FFT sur ada


Setting up link to FFT library on machine ada

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2013-09-18 14:27 Rev.: 1872

Correction de bugs suite à l'intégration de SISVAT


Bug corrections following integration of SISVAT

117 lines of code changed in 6 files:

idelkadi 2013-09-16 14:46 Rev.: 1871

Variable renommee pour eviter la confusion avec une autre variable dans phylmd ayant le meme nom

12 lines of code changed in 4 files:

idelkadi 2013-09-16 14:38 Rev.: 1870

Variable renommée pour éviter la confusion avec une autre variable dans phylmd ayant le meme nom

0 lines of code changed in 8 files:

fairhead 2013-09-16 10:13 Rev.: 1869

Suite intégration SISVAT: ne pas compiler SISVAT si on n'en a pas besoin quand
makelmdz_fcm est utilisé

Follow-up on SISVAT integration: do not compile SISVAT if not needed when using

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

fairhead 2013-09-13 16:48

La distinction avec ou sans writelim n'a plus lieu d'être
MP Lefebvre


the writelim/nowritelim distinction is of no further use
MP Lefebvre

3755 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fairhead 2013-09-13 10:26 Rev.: 1865

Inclusion de la bibliothèque SISVAT/MAR à LMDZ pour le traitement des surfaces
"land ice"
M. Menegoz


Integration of the SISVAT/MAR library to LMDZ to model the land ice surfaces
M. Menegoz

13286 lines of code changed in 30 files:

fairhead 2013-09-11 11:45 Rev.: 1864

Création d'une nouvelle testing:

merge des modifications du trunk entre r1796 et r1860


New testing version

merged modifications between r1796 and r1860 from the trunk

svn merge -r1796:1860

16255 lines of code changed in 334 files:

lguez 2013-09-10 14:42 Rev.: 1863

Indented physiq.F90 and replaced #include by include.

3655 lines of code changed in 1 file:

lguez 2013-09-10 14:18 Rev.: 1862

Converted physiq.F to free source form (on mandate of the United Poihl).

4679 lines of code changed in 12 files:

lguez 2013-09-10 11:55 Rev.: 1861

Replaced #include by include. (Use as little C preprocessing as possible.)

117 lines of code changed in 13 files:

emillour 2013-09-05 12:52 Rev.: 1860

Implement in dyn3dpar the modifications that were made in the dyn3dmem dynamics (r1858-1859) about setting size of omp_chunk.

21 lines of code changed in 2 files:

ymeurdesoif 2013-09-04 14:30 Rev.: 1859

bug fix : forgetted directive !$OMP MASTER for read a getin


5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

ymeurdesoif 2013-09-03 11:32 Rev.: 1858

omp_chunk has now a default value of (llm+1)/omp_size instead of 1.


19 lines of code changed in 2 files:

emillour 2013-09-02 09:50 Rev.: 1857

Remove call to diagedyn. Current diagedyn is supposed to work on global arrays, which is not compatible with dyn3dmem settings. Extra work is required if we want to adapt diagedyn to dyn3dmem (but diagedyn currently doesn't work even in seq mode...).

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

August 2013 »

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