Publications dans des journaux à comité de lecture
14) The paradoxes of the Late Hesperian Mars ocean, Martin Turbet & F. Forget, submitted to Nature Scientific Reports, 2019.

13) Far infrared measurements of absorptions by CH4+CO2 and H2+CO2 mixtures and implications for greenhouse warming on early Mars, Martin Turbet, Ha Tran, Olivier Pirali, Francois Forget, Christian Boulet, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Icarus, 2019. [journal] / [arXiv]

12) Modeling the albedo of magma ocean planets, W. Pluriel, E. Marcq and Martin Turbet, Icarus, 2019. [journal] / [arXiv]

11) The nature of the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets, S. Grimm et al. including Martin Turbet, A&A, 2018. [journal] / [arXiv]

10) Measurements and modelling of absorption by CO2+H2O mixtures in the spectral region beyond the CO2 n3-band head, H. Tran, Martin Turbet, P. Chelin & X. Landsheere, Icarus, 2018. [journal] / [arXiv]

9) Modelling climate diversity, tidal dynamics and the fate of volatiles on TRAPPIST-1 planets, Martin Turbet, E. Bolmont, J. Leconte, F. Forget, F. Selsis, G. Tobie, A. Caldas, J. Naar & M. Gillon, A&A, 2018. [journal] / [arXiv]

8) Comment on "Radiative transfer in CO2-rich atmospheres: 1. Collisional line mixing implies a colder early Mars", Martin Turbet & H. Tran, JGR-Planets, 2017. [journal] / [arXiv]

7) CO2 condensation is a serious limit to the deglaciation of Earth-like planets, Martin Turbet, Francois Forget, Jeremy Leconte, Benjamin Charnay & Gabriel Tobie, EPSL, 2017. [journal] / [arXiv]

6) A seven-planet resonant chain in TRAPPIST-1, R. Luger et al. including Martin Turbet, Nature Astronomy, 2017. [journal] / [arXiv]

5) Seven temperate terrestrial planets around the nearby ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, M. Gillon et al. including Martin Turbet, Nature, 2017. [journal] / [arXiv]

4) 3D Global Climate Modelling of outflow channel formation events on Early Mars, Martin Turbet, F. Forget, J. Head & R. Wordsworth, Icarus, 2017. [journal] / [arXiv]

3) The habitability of Proxima Centauri b II. Possible climates and Observability, Martin Turbet, Jeremy Leconte, Franck Selsis, Emeline Bolmont, Francois Forget, Ignasi Ribas, Sean N. Raymond & Guillem Anglada-Escudé, A&A, 2016. [journal] / [arXiv]

2) The habitability of Proxima Centauri b. I. Irradiation, rotation and volatile inventory from formation to the present, Ignasi Ribas, Emeline Bolmont, Franck Selsis, Ansgar Reiners, Jeremy Leconte, Sean N. Raymond, Scott G. Engle, Edward F. Guinan, Julien Morin, Martin Turbet, Francois Forget & Guillem Anglada-Escude, A&A, 2016. [journal] / [arXiv]

1) Late Tharsis formation and implications for early Mars, Sylvain Bouley, David Baratoux, Isamu Matsuyama, Francois Forget, Antoine Séjourné, Martin Turbet & Francois Costard. Nature, 2016. [journal]

Actes de conférence
Proxima Cen and TRAPPIST-1 exoplanetary systems: possible climates and observational constraints, Martin Turbet, E. Bolmont, F. Forget, J. Leconte and F. Selsis, EPSC, 2017.

Retrieving the cloud coverage on Earth-like exoplanets using polarimetry, L. Rossi, D. Stam and Martin Turbet, EPSC, 2017.

Modeling the albedo of magma ocean planets, W. Pluriel, E. Marcq, Martin Turbet and F. Forget, EPSC, 2017.

CO2 condensation can seriously limit the deglaciation of Earth-like planets, Martin Turbet, F. Forget, J. Leconte, B. Charnay and G. Tobie, EPSC, 2017.

The Environmental Effect of Meteoritic Impacts on Early Mars with a Versatile 3-D Global Climate Model, Martin Turbet, Forget, F.; Svetsov, V.; Tran, H.; Hartmann, J.-M.; Karatekin, O.; Gillmann, C.; Popova, O.; Head, J. 4th conference on Early Mars, 2017.

Toward a more Accurate Spectroscopy of CO2/H2O-Rich Atmospheres: Implications for the Early Martian Atmosphere, Martin Turbet, Tran, H.; Hartmann, J.-M.; Forget, F. 4th conference on Early Mars, 2017.

Deciphering the Noachian Geological and Climate History of Mars, Jim Head, Wordsworth, R.; Forget, F. and Martin Turbet, 4th conference on Early Mars, 2017.

On the Challenge of Simulating the Early Mars Environment with Climate Models, F. Forget, Martin Turbet, Millour, E.; Kerber, L.; Wordsworth, R. D.; Head, J. W., 4th conference on Early Mars, 2017.

Catastrophic events: Possible solutions to the early Mars enigma(s) ?, Martin Turbet, MAMO, 2017.

How could Early Mars have been habitable ?, Martin Turbet, SFR: FROM EARLY EARTH TO EXOPLANETS, 2016.

3D Global Climate Modelling of the environmental effect of meteoritic impacts on Early Mars, Martin Turbet, F. Forget, V. Svetsov, C. Gillmann, O. Karatekin, O. Popova, Q. Wallemacq DPS, 2016.

Habitability of planets on eccentric orbits : limits of the mean flux approximation, E. Bolmont, A.S. Libert, J. Leconte, F. Selsis, Martin Turbet & F. Forget, EGU, 2016.

3D Modelling of the impact of outflow channel events on Late Hesperian Mars climate, Martin Turbet, Francois Forget, Robin Wordsworth & Jim W. Head. EPSC, 2015.

Exploring Earth-like planetary atmospheres with a real time 1D GCM : an educational tool., Martin Turbet, Francois Forget, Jeremy Leconte & Cedric Schott Pathways towards Habitable Planets II, 2015.

Articles de vulgarisation

Les couleurs du ciel, Camille Risi, Venance Journé, Jean-Louis Dufresne, Jean-Yves Grandpeix, Philippe Dubuisson & Martin Turbet, La Météorologie, n°98, 2017.


1er prix pour 'Ma thèse en 5 minutes', AFA / Ciel & Espace, November 2015.

1er prix de 'la meilleure présentation orale', Rencontres Exobiologie Jeunes Chercheurs, October 2017.

J'ai reviewé plusieurs articles scientifiques pour Astronomy & Astrophysics, the Astrophysical Journal, ApJ Letters, Icarus, JGR-Planets, Astrobiology and MNRAS.

By Martin Turbet | Design by Andreas Viklund | Inspired by Aymeric Spiga