
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.97}}
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  author = {{Eymet}, V. and {Fournier}, R. and {Dufresne}, J.-L. and {Lebonnois}, S. and 
	{Hourdin}, F. and {Bullock}, M.~A.},
  title = {{Net exchange parameterization of thermal infrared radiative transfer in Venus' atmosphere}},
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)},
  keywords = {Atmospheric Processes: Radiative processes, Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Radiation: transmission and scattering, Global Change: Global climate models (3337, 4928), Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Cloud/radiation interaction, Mineral Physics: Optical, infrared, and Raman spectroscopy},
  year = 2009,
  volume = 114,
  number = e13,
  eid = {E11008},
  pages = {11008},
  abstract = {{Thermal radiation within Venus atmosphere is analyzed in close details.
Prominent features are identified, which are then used to design a
parameterization (a highly simplified and yet accurate enough model) to
be used in General Circulation Models. The analysis is based on a net
exchange formulation, using a set of gaseous and cloud optical data
chosen among available referenced data. The accuracy of the proposed
parameterization methodology is controlled against Monte Carlo
simulations, assuming that the optical data are exact. Then, the
accuracy level corresponding to our present optical data choice is
discussed by comparison with available observations, concentrating on
the most unknown aspects of Venus thermal radiation, namely the deep
atmosphere opacity and the cloud composition and structure.
  doi = {10.1029/2008JE003276},
  adsurl = {},
  localpdf = {REF/2009JGRE..11411008E.pdf},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Coustenis}, A. and {Atreya}, S.~K. and {Balint}, T. and {Brown}, R.~H. and 
	{Dougherty}, M.~K. and {Ferri}, F. and {Fulchignoni}, M. and 
	{Gautier}, D. and {Gowen}, R.~A. and {Griffith}, C.~A. and {Gurvits}, L.~I. and 
	{Jaumann}, R. and {Langevin}, Y. and {Leese}, M.~R. and {Lunine}, J.~I. and 
	{McKay}, C.~P. and {Moussas}, X. and {M{\"u}ller-Wodarg}, I. and 
	{Neubauer}, F. and {Owen}, T.~C. and {Raulin}, F. and {Sittler}, E.~C. and 
	{Sohl}, F. and {Sotin}, C. and {Tobie}, G. and {Tokano}, T. and 
	{Turtle}, E.~P. and {Wahlund}, J.-E. and {Waite}, J.~H. and 
	{Baines}, K.~H. and {Blamont}, J. and {Coates}, A.~J. and {Dandouras}, I. and 
	{Krimigis}, T. and {Lellouch}, E. and {Lorenz}, R.~D. and {Morse}, A. and 
	{Porco}, C.~C. and {Hirtzig}, M. and {Saur}, J. and {Spilker}, T. and 
	{Zarnecki}, J.~C. and {Choi}, E. and {Achilleos}, N. and {Amils}, R. and 
	{Annan}, P. and {Atkinson}, D.~H. and {Bénilan}, Y. and 
	{Bertucci}, C. and {Bézard}, B. and {Bjoraker}, G.~L. and 
	{Blanc}, M. and {Boireau}, L. and {Bouman}, J. and {Cabane}, M. and 
	{Capria}, M.~T. and {Chassefière}, E. and {Coll}, P. and 
	{Combes}, M. and {Cooper}, J.~F. and {Coradini}, A. and {Crary}, F. and 
	{Cravens}, T. and {Daglis}, I.~A. and {de Angelis}, E. and {de Bergh}, C. and 
	{de Pater}, I. and {Dunford}, C. and {Durry}, G. and {Dutuit}, O. and 
	{Fairbrother}, D. and {Flasar}, F.~M. and {Fortes}, A.~D. and 
	{Frampton}, R. and {Fujimoto}, M. and {Galand}, M. and {Grasset}, O. and 
	{Grott}, M. and {Haltigin}, T. and {Herique}, A. and {Hersant}, F. and 
	{Hussmann}, H. and {Ip}, W. and {Johnson}, R. and {Kallio}, E. and 
	{Kempf}, S. and {Knapmeyer}, M. and {Kofman}, W. and {Koop}, R. and 
	{Kostiuk}, T. and {Krupp}, N. and {K{\"u}ppers}, M. and {Lammer}, H. and 
	{Lara}, L.-M. and {Lavvas}, P. and {Le Mouélic}, S. and 
	{Lebonnois}, S. and {Ledvina}, S. and {Li}, J. and {Livengood}, T.~A. and 
	{Lopes}, R.~M. and {Lopez-Moreno}, J.-J. and {Luz}, D. and {Mahaffy}, P.~R. and 
	{Mall}, U. and {Martinez-Frias}, J. and {Marty}, B. and {McCord}, T. and 
	{Menor Salvan}, C. and {Milillo}, A. and {Mitchell}, D.~G. and 
	{Modolo}, R. and {Mousis}, O. and {Nakamura}, M. and {Neish}, C.~D. and 
	{Nixon}, C.~A. and {Nna Mvondo}, D. and {Orton}, G. and {Paetzold}, M. and 
	{Pitman}, J. and {Pogrebenko}, S. and {Pollard}, W. and {Prieto-Ballesteros}, O. and 
	{Rannou}, P. and {Reh}, K. and {Richter}, L. and {Robb}, F.~T. and 
	{Rodrigo}, R. and {Rodriguez}, S. and {Romani}, P. and {Ruiz Bermejo}, M. and 
	{Sarris}, E.~T. and {Schenk}, P. and {Schmitt}, B. and {Schmitz}, N. and 
	{Schulze-Makuch}, D. and {Schwingenschuh}, K. and {Selig}, A. and 
	{Sicardy}, B. and {Soderblom}, L. and {Spilker}, L.~J. and {Stam}, D. and 
	{Steele}, A. and {Stephan}, K. and {Strobel}, D.~F. and {Szego}, K. and 
	{Szopa}, C. and {Thissen}, R. and {Tomasko}, M.~G. and {Toublanc}, D. and 
	{Vali}, H. and {Vardavas}, I. and {Vuitton}, V. and {West}, R.~A. and 
	{Yelle}, R. and {Young}, E.~F.},
  title = {{TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission}},
  journal = {Experimental Astronomy},
  keywords = {TandEM, Titan, Enceladus, Saturnian system, Landing probes},
  year = 2009,
  volume = 23,
  pages = {893-946},
  abstract = {{TandEM was proposed as an L-class (large) mission in response to
ESA{\rsquo}s Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call, and accepted for further
studies, with the goal of exploring Titan and Enceladus. The mission
concept is to perform in situ investigations of two worlds tied together
by location and properties, whose remarkable natures have been partly
revealed by the ongoing Cassini-Huygens mission. These bodies still hold
mysteries requiring a complete exploration using a variety of vehicles
and instruments. TandEM is an ambitious mission because its targets are
two of the most exciting and challenging bodies in the Solar System. It
is designed to build on but exceed the scientific and technological
accomplishments of the Cassini-Huygens mission, exploring Titan and
Enceladus in ways that are not currently possible (full close-up and in
situ coverage over long periods of time). In the current mission
architecture, TandEM proposes to deliver two medium-sized spacecraft to
the Saturnian system. One spacecraft would be an orbiter with a large
host of instruments which would perform several Enceladus flybys and
deliver penetrators to its surface before going into a dedicated orbit
around Titan alone, while the other spacecraft would carry the Titan in
situ investigation components, i.e. a hot-air balloon
(Montgolfière) and possibly several landing probes to be
delivered through the atmosphere.
  doi = {10.1007/s10686-008-9103-z},
  adsurl = {},
  localpdf = {REF/2009ExA....23..893C.pdf},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Lebonnois}, S. and {Rannou}, P. and {Hourdin}, F.},
  title = {{The coupling of winds, aerosols and chemistry in Titan's atmosphere}},
  journal = {Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A},
  year = 2009,
  month = feb,
  volume = 367,
  pages = {665-682},
  doi = {10.1098/rsta.2008.0243},
  adsurl = {},
  localpdf = {REF/2009RSPTA.367..665L.pdf},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Tobie}, G. and {Choukroun}, M. and {Grasset}, O. and {Le Mou{\'e}lic}, S. and 
	{Lunine}, J.~I. and {Sotin}, C. and {Bourgeois}, O. and {Gautier}, D. and 
	{Hirtzig}, M. and {Lebonnois}, S. and {Le Corre}, L.},
  title = {{Evolution of Titan and implications for its hydrocarbon cycle}},
  journal = {Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A},
  year = 2009,
  month = feb,
  volume = 367,
  pages = {617-631},
  doi = {10.1098/rsta.2008.0246},
  adsurl = {},
  localpdf = {REF/2009RSPTA.367..617T.pdf},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Forget}, F. and {Montmessin}, F. and {Bertaux}, J.-L. and {Gonz{\'a}lez-Galindo}, F. and 
	{Lebonnois}, S. and {Quémerais}, E. and {Reberac}, A. and 
	{Dimarellis}, E. and {L{\'o}pez-Valverde}, M.~A.},
  title = {{Density and temperatures of the upper Martian atmosphere measured by stellar occultations with Mars Express SPICAM}},
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)},
  keywords = {Planetary Sciences: Fluid Planets: Atmospheres (0343, 1060), Planetary Sciences: Solar System Objects: Mars, Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Pressure, density, and temperature},
  year = 2009,
  volume = 114,
  eid = {E01004},
  pages = {1004},
  abstract = {{We present one Martian year of observations of the density and
temperature in the upper atmosphere of Mars (between 60 and 130 km)
obtained by the Mars Express ultraviolet spectrometer Spectroscopy for
Investigation of Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM). Six
hundred sixteen profiles were retrieved using stellar occultations
technique at various latitude and longitude. The atmospheric densities
exhibit large seasonal fluctuations due to variations in the dust
content of the lower atmosphere which controls the temperature and,
thus, the atmospheric scale height, below 50 km. In particular, the year
observed by SPICAM was affected by an unexpected dust loading around Ls
= 130{\deg} which induced a sudden increase of density above 60 km. The
diurnal cycle could not be analyzed in detail because most data were
obtained at nighttime, except for a few occultations observed around
noon during northern winter. There, the averaged midday profile is found
to slightly differ from the corresponding midnight profile, with the
observed differences being consistent with propagating thermal tides and
variations in local solar heating. About 6\% of the observed mesopause
temperatures exhibits temperature below the CO$_{2}$ frost point,
especially during northern summer in the tropics. Comparison with
atmospheric general circulation model predictions shows that the
existing models overestimate the temperature around the mesopause (above
80 to 100 km) by up to 30 K, probably because of an underestimation of
the atomic oxygen concentration which controls the CO$_{2}$
infrared cooling.
  doi = {10.1029/2008JE003086},
  adsurl = {},
  localpdf = {REF/2009JGRE..114.1004F.pdf},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}