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C. Soufflet, F. Lott and B. Deremble, 2021 : Mountain waves produced by a stratified shear flow with a boundary layer. Part~III: Trapped lee waves and horizontal momentum transport, Submitted to J. Atmos. Sci.

B. Ribstein, C. Millet, F. Lott, and A. de la Camara, 2021 : Can we improve the realism of gravity wave parameterizations by imposing sources at all altitudes in the atmosphere? J. Adv. Model. Earth Systems, Submitted

Lott, F., B. Deremble, and C. Soufflet, 2020: Mountain waves produced by a stratified shear flow with a boundary layer. Part II: Form drag, wave drag, and transition from downstream sheltering to upstream blocking, J. Atmos. Sci., 78(4), 1101-1112.

Lott, F., B. Deremble, and C. Soufflet, 2020: Mountain Waves Produced by a Stratified Boundary Layer Flow. Part I: Hydrostatic Case. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 1683–1697,

Lott F., R. Rani, C. McLandress, and QBOi co-authors, Comparison between the non orographic gravity wave drag schemes used in global climate models to simulate a quasi-biennial oscillation and constant level balloons, Documentation, data and parameteriizations, Article submitted version.