Directory trunk/libf/dyn3d/

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Lines of Code

trunk/libf/dyn3d/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 118 (100.0%) 2104 (100.0%) 17.8
dcugnet 58 (49.2%) 1166 (55.4%) 20.1
emillour 8 (6.8%) 437 (20.8%) 54.6
fhourdin 9 (7.6%) 297 (14.1%) 33.0
lguez 9 (7.6%) 96 (4.6%) 10.6
fairhead 17 (14.4%) 58 (2.8%) 3.4
oboucher 7 (5.9%) 15 (0.7%) 2.1
evignon 2 (1.7%) 13 (0.6%) 6.5
crisi 3 (2.5%) 10 (0.5%) 3.3
ymeurdesoif 3 (2.5%) 9 (0.4%) 3.0
lmdz-users 2 (1.7%) 3 (0.1%) 1.5

Most Recent Commits

ymeurdesoif 2023-07-10 00:40 Rev.: 4619

Suppress usage of preprocessing key CPP_XIOS.
Wrapper file is used to suppress XIOS symbol when xios is not linked and not used (-io ioipsl)
The CPP_XIOS key is replaced in model by "using_xios" boolean variable to switch between IOIPSL or XIOS output.


9 lines of code changed in 3 files:

fhourdin 2023-06-29 00:31 Rev.: 4589

Commissions pour le nouveau replay

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

evignon 2023-04-24 17:11 Rev.: 4519

modif for polar runs: control of the maximum latitude at which the polar filter is active (new key in .def files)
+ dependency of ratqs upon resolution (cell area)

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

crisi 2023-04-03 09:27 Rev.: 4492

bug correction in water tagging initialization

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2023-03-10 17:55 Rev.: 4470

Replaced STOP instructions by calls to abort_gcm for a cleaner exit

29 lines of code changed in 10 files:

fhourdin 2023-02-05 21:32 Rev.: 4419

Lecture possible du relief dans iniacademic

46 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2023-01-27 00:35 Rev.: 4399

Change the names of the water isotopes: no more "[" and "]" separators for atomic numbers.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2023-01-23 11:28 Rev.: 4389

* revert to original "type_trac" management:
- 4 characters keyword (lmdz, Inca, repr, co2i, into, aeNP, coag
- no longer a list of component with "|" separator
- the parsed (with "|" separator) version "types_trac" is no longer used
- the sole routine using a list of component is readTracFiles
* fix for INCA and CO2Aer modes: setGeneration is now a function, index corrections for had/vadv.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fhourdin 2023-01-10 20:14 Rev.: 4379

preff : un pas en avant, un pas en arriere

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fhourdin 2023-01-08 02:30 Rev.: 4376

Imposing surface pressure from .def with iniacademic

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-12-05 21:44 Rev.: 4367

* adding missing SAVE attribute for that in check_isotopes
* move phyetat0_get/_srf from phylmd[iso]/phyetat0_mod to new module phyetat0_get_mod
-> break circular dependency
* remove unused variables from physiq_mod
* update phylmdiso/physiq_mod with respect to phylmd/physiq_mod (few updates were not included)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

lguez 2022-12-01 13:07 Rev.: 4361

Change calendar attribute "360d" to "360_day"

"360_day" is the correct attribute according to CF convention. "360d"
leads to an error when opening a history file with xarray.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3d: gcm.F90 (+1 -1)
dcugnet 2022-11-30 16:37 Rev.: 4358

* remove "config_inca" variable from "control_mod" and "infotrac_phy" (read in infotrac)
* only kept version of "type_trac" is in tracinca ; few tests are moved from infotrac to this module.
* simplify and generalize a bit the routines "phyetat0_get" and "phyetat0_srf" from phyetat0, converted to a module.
* fix the isotopic version: few "USE … » were misplaced between ISOVERIF CPP keys
* fix the old water and derived isotopes names in the ISOTRAC case

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fhourdin 2022-11-18 14:41 Rev.: 4350

Details pour la fonctionalie Replay

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-11-07 03:09 Rev.: 4325

* simplify the parser usage:
- the getKey_init routine is now embedded in the readTracersFile routine.
- the initIsotopes routine is now embedded in the readIsotopesFile routine.
- the database is now unique, but can be changed using the get/setKeysDBase.
- the derived types descriptions, originally located in trac_types_mod, are moved to readTracFiles_mod.
- few checkings moved from infotrac to the routine testIsotopes, contained in the readIsotopesFile function from readTracFiles_mod.
- the readTracersFiles and readIsotopesFile routines no longer use a tracers/isotopes argument.
* remove tnat and alpha_ideal from infotrac ; use instead getKey to get them where they are used (check_isotopes, dynetat0, iniacademic)
* the trac_type field %Childs is renamed %Children
* move the isoSelect routine and the corresponding variables routine from infotrac and infotrac_phy to readTracFiles_mod
* infotrac_phy routine is now fully independant of the (very similar) routine infotrac (init_infotrac_phy has no arguments left).
* all the explicit keys of the trac_type are now included in the embedded keys database, accessible using the getKey function.
* the getKey/addKey routines are expanded to handle vectors of integers, reals, logicals or strings.
* few subroutines converted into functions with error return value.
* corrections for isotopic tagging tracers mode (to be continued).

26 lines of code changed in 6 files:

dcugnet 2022-10-20 12:57 Rev.: 4301

- for REPROBUS: simplify (and fix) the handling of exceptions for old HNO3 convention.
- cleaning + comments added in readTracFiles_mod.

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-09-21 11:47 Rev.: 4270

Fix for reprobus

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-09-21 09:41 Rev.: 4268

Last (hopefully) fix for REPROBUS and exceptions about HNO3.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-09-21 09:16 Rev.: 4266

Fix for reprobus

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-09-21 08:58 Rev.: 4265

Add modifications for sequantial version of dynetat0 + fix in reprobus case.

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

lguez 2022-09-20 15:09 Rev.: 4256

Remove `include`

They have become useless.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

lguez 2022-09-20 15:09 Rev.: 4255

Replace `nf_noerr` by `nf90_noerr`

We want to remove `include`, eventually.

41 lines of code changed in 1 file:

lguez 2022-09-20 15:09 Rev.: 4254

Replace `nf_get_vara_type` by `nf90_get_var`

The immediate motivation is a bug fix: `nf_get_vara_type` was called
with scalar instead of array actual arguments for dummy array
arguments start and count. Correcting this, we might as well take the
opportunity to use `nf90_get_var`, so we no longer need to test
`NC_DOUBLE` and we have half as many calls.

22 lines of code changed in 1 file:

lguez 2022-09-20 15:09 Rev.: 4253

Replace `nf_def_var` by `nf90_def_var`

The immediate motivation is a bug fix: `nf_def_var` was called with a
scalar instead of array actual argument for dummy array argument
vdims. The simplest way to correct this bug is to replace by a call to

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

lguez 2022-09-20 15:09 Rev.: 4252

Bug fix: remove comma before i/o item list

This was accepted by compilers as a legacy extension.

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

evignon 2022-09-14 14:14 Rev.: 4246

controle dans les .def du presnivs limite en dessous duquel on ne guide plus
si guide_BL=false
Etienne, pour valentin

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-07-04 22:45 Rev.: 4193

* Modifications in readSections to allow a continuation line character "\":
in both "tracer.def" and "isotopes_params.def", information for a single
tracer or isotope can now be stored on several lines.
* Modifications in "dispTable" and associated routines to allow too wide tables
to be displayed as several shorter sub-tables: each sub-table is at most
"nMaxCol" characters wide (typically: number of characters displayable in a
tandard screen window) and the first "nHead" columns (typically: name, index,
etc.) are duplicated in each sub-table. A default value for nMaxCol, called
maxTableWidth (currently = 192) is available in readTracFiles_mod.
* Subroutine "readIsotopesFile" becomes a function with a boolean returned
error value "lerr" used to trigger an external aborting function (no STOP).

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-06-16 19:16 Rev.: 4170

The variable "types_trac" is the equivalent of "type_trac" in case multiple sections must be read
and used in "tracer.def" file.
Tests on the "type_trac" were replaced with tests on the vector "types_trac".
Most of the time, there are two components: 'lmdz' and a second one. The later has priority on 'lmdz'
and must be used for the tests. For more components, care must be taken to execute specific parts
of the code on the right tracers ; the tracers(:)%component has been created in that respect.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-05-09 11:35 Rev.: 4143

* Some variables are renamed or replaced by direct equivalents:
- iso_indnum -> tracers(:)%iso_iName
- niso_possibles -> niso
- iqiso -> iqIsoPha ; index_trac -> itZonIso
- ok_iso_verif -> isoCheck
- ntraceurs_zone -> nzone ; ntraciso -> ntiso
- qperemin -> min_qparent ; masseqmin -> min_qmass ; ratiomin -> min_ratio
* Some renamed variables are only aliased with the older name (using USE <module>, ONLY: <oldName> => <newName>) in routines where they are repeated many times.
* Few hard-coded indexes are now computed (examples: ilic, iso, ivap, irneb, iq_vap, iq_liq, iso_H2O, iso_HDO, iso_HTO, iso_O17, iso_O18).
* The IF(isoCheck) test is now embedded in the check_isotopes_seq and check_isotopes_loc routines (lighter calling).

241 lines of code changed in 8 files:

dcugnet 2022-04-08 15:47 Rev.: 4124

Remove solsym, ok_isotopes (=niso>0), ok_isotrac (=nzone>0)

20 lines of code changed in 5 files:

dcugnet 2022-04-05 14:44 Rev.: 4120

* New water names: H2Ov, H2Ol, H2Oi, H2Or -> H2O_g, H2O_l, H2O_s, H2O_r.
* Corrections for the lOldCode=.FALSE., not activated yet.

239 lines of code changed in 4 files:

fhourdin 2022-03-26 12:21 Rev.: 4113

replay, suite

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fhourdin 2022-03-26 00:54 Rev.: 4112

Replay, suite

193 lines of code changed in 1 file:

oboucher 2022-03-15 14:20 Rev.: 4100

Tidying up and adding ok_guide to output

15 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2022-01-25 19:14 Rev.: 4064

* minor fixes (unused variables suppressed, comas after a WRITE() statement, etc.)
* parser routines taken from version 7 of
* few changes in infotrac, and few fixes of (at least) the sequential version:
- uadv and vadv were deallocated twice (fix was lost by mistake just before last commit)
- in [( dum(im), im=1, nm)] implicit loops, ifort evaluates "dum(im)" even if nm==0,
resulting in a crash, "im" being unitialized.

35 lines of code changed in 4 files:

dcugnet 2022-01-25 01:01 Rev.: 4063

Except if the bench fails, last commit before switching to the new parser.
* parser routines taken from version 6 of
* significant changes in "infotrac", now close to its target version.
Modified old code is active (hard-coded flag: lOldCode=.TRUE.).
New code will be activated in the next commit, then old code will be suppressed.
* probably problems with the isotopic version, to be fixed after tgcc maintenance...

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

dcugnet 2022-01-12 22:54 Rev.: 4056

Most of the changes are intended to help to eventually remove the constraints about the tracers assumptions, in particular water tracers.
- Remove index tables itr_indice and niadv, replaced by tracers(:)%isAdvected and tracers(:)%isH2OFamily.
Most of the loops are now from 1 to nqtot:
* DO iq=nqo+1,nqtot loops are replaced with:
DO iq=1,nqtot
IF(tracers(iq)%isH2Ofamily) CYCLE
* DO it=1,nbtr; iq=niadv(it+nqo)
and DO it=1,nqtottr; iq=itr_indice(it) loops are replaced with:
it = 0
DO iq = 1, nqtot
IF(.NOT.tracers(iq)%isAdvected .OR. tracers(iq)%isH2Ofamily) CYCLE
it = it+1
- Move some StratAer related code from infotrac to infotrac_phy
- Remove "nqperes" variable:
DO iq=1,nqpere loops are replaced with:
DO iq=1,nqtot
IF(tracers(iq)%parent/='air') CYCLE
- Cosmetic changes (justification, SELECT CASE instead of multiple IF...) mostly in advtrac* routines.

324 lines of code changed in 2 files:

lguez 2022-01-10 13:59 Rev.: 4055

Check that the value of `iflag_top_bound` is valid

This check is useful because if `iflag_top_bound` is not between 0 and
2 then the program runs with an undefined value of lambda in procedure

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

dcugnet 2021-12-26 22:27 Rev.: 4052

Fixes for previous commit:
* few tracers(:)%nqChilds were errouneously replaced with tarcers(:)%nqDesc
* minor changes

13 lines of code changed in 4 files:

dcugnet 2021-12-23 18:54 Rev.: 4050

Second commit for new tracers.
* include most of the keys in the tracers descriptor vector "tracers(:)".
* fix in phylmdiso/cv3_routines: fq_* variables were used where their fxt_* counterparts were expected.
* multiple IF(nqdesc(iq)>0) and IF(nqfils(iq)>0) tests suppressed, because they are not needed:
"do ... enddo" loops with 0 upper bound are not executed.
* remove French accents from comments (encoding problem) in phylmdiso/cv3_routines and phylmdiso/cv30_routines.
* modifications in "isotopes_verif_mod", where the call to function "iso_verif_tag17_q_deltad_chn" in "iso_verif_tag17_q_deltad_chn" was not detected at linking stage, although defined in the same module (?).

202 lines of code changed in 9 files:

(14 more)

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