Directory branches/LMDZ_ECRad/libf/phylmd/ecrad/

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                        directory in repo practical (15 files, 1126 lines)
                            directory in repo ecradplot (4 files, 2288 lines)
                        directory in repo radiation (59 files, 27654 lines)
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                            directory in repo ifs (13 files, 1125 lines)
                        directory in repo utilities (5 files, 3502 lines)

Lines of Code

branches/LMDZ_ECRad/libf/phylmd/ecrad/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 170 (100.0%) 9324 (100.0%) 54.8
idelkadi 168 (98.8%) 9324 (100.0%) 55.5
lguez 2 (1.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

idelkadi 2023-10-19 21:10 Rev.: 4728

Update of ecrad in the LMDZ_ECRad branch of LMDZ:
- version 1.6.1 of ecrad
- files are no longer grouped in the same ecrad directory.
- the structure of ecrad offline is preserved to facilitate updating in LMDZ
- cfg.bld modified to take into account the new added subdirectories.
- the interface routines and those added in ecrad are moved to the phylmd directory

1605 lines of code changed in 63 files:

idelkadi 2023-10-19 15:02 Rev.: 4727

Merged trunk changes -r4488:4726 LMDZ_ECRad branch

19 lines of code changed in 2 files:

idelkadi 2023-08-11 16:06 Rev.: 4648

Correction: variable allocation already done.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

idelkadi 2023-08-07 12:42 Rev.: 4647

Implementation in the LMDZ code of the double call of the ECRAD radiative transfer code to estimate the 3D radiative effect of clouds.
- This double call of Ecrad is controlled by the ok_3Deffect logic key.
- If this key is enabled, 2 files of parameter configuration "namelists" for ECRAD are required at runtime: namelist_ecrad and namelist_ecrad_s2.
- If this key is deactivated, the configuration and initialization part (reading namelist and netcdf files) is performed only once during simulation (1st call to ECRAD). Otherwise, configuration and initialization are performed each time Ecrad is called.

48 lines of code changed in 9 files:

idelkadi 2023-08-02 08:18 Rev.: 4646

Further updates and cleaning of the Lmdz-Ecrad interface.

104 lines of code changed in 2 files:

idelkadi 2023-06-13 20:17 Rev.: 4572

Ecrad version update in LMDZ (SPARTACUS solver)

52 lines of code changed in 2 files:

idelkadi 2023-05-19 11:12 Rev.: 4544

Configuration of the parameters for the SPARTACUS solver so that they can be modified in the namelist file:
- addition of the module setup_config_from_lmdz.F90
- modification of the interface with Ecrad (radiation_scheme.F90)

134 lines of code changed in 2 files:

idelkadi 2023-02-21 15:26 Rev.: 4444

Update of the ECRAD radiative code version implemented in the LMDZ model.
Upgrade to the :
Version svn : 749
UUID du dépôt : 44b0ca93-0ed8-356e-d663-ce57b7db7bff

6840 lines of code changed in 74 files:

idelkadi 2023-01-23 11:28 Rev.: 4390

Inversion of the order of loops in the tau22 routine.
The code crashes on the IRENE computer using the O3 compilation option.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

idelkadi 2023-01-20 15:41 Rev.: 4388

Code cleanup:
- Removal of unnecessary arguments in the LMDZ-ECRAD interface routine.
- deletion of useless comments

28 lines of code changed in 2 files:

idelkadi 2022-11-25 15:41 Rev.: 4355

Hexadecimal constant Z"3FFFFFFF" can appear in a "data" statement but not in a "parameter" statement

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

idelkadi 2022-06-29 08:23 Rev.: 4188

Implementation of the Ecrad radiative transfer code in the LMD model (continued) :
Integration of aerosols (direct effect)

489 lines of code changed in 7 files:

lguez 2022-06-20 16:29 Rev.: 4182

Use custom procedure to read aerosol optics file

Replace call to `config%aerosol_optics%setup` by call to an LMDZ
procedure, `setup_aerosol_optics_lmdz`, adapted to our aerosol optics
NetCDF file. The main differences between our file and the file
expected by `config%aerosol_optics%setup` are:

- Our file has groups.

- The SW bands in our file are ordered (as befits a NetCDF

- Our file does not contain variables for monochromatic asymmetry
factor, single-scattering albedo and lidar backscattering
ratio. These variables are not used by ECRad but they are
nevertheless read and required by `config%aerosol_optics%setup`.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

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