Directory trunk/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar/

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trunk/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
emillour 6 (100.0%) 114 (100.0%) 19.0

Most Recent Commits

emillour 2017-01-30 12:24 Rev.: 2786

Further convergence with planetary models:
- move vertical_layers_mod.F90 to phy_common and call init_vertical_layers in inigeomphy_mod
- add aps and bps (mid-layer coordinates) to vertical_layers_mod.F90
- same adaptations for the 1D case

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar: iniphysiq_mod.F90 (-5)
emillour 2016-07-23 07:45 Rev.: 2600

Cleanup in the dynamics: turn comvert.h into module comvert_mod.F90

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar: iniphysiq_mod.F90 (+1 -2)
emillour 2016-07-22 16:05 Rev.: 2599

Update for phymar which should have been done with revision 2315.
Introduce module vertical_layers_mod to store information on the
vertical grid to be used within the physics (rather than including
the dynamics-related comvert.h).

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar: iniphysiq_mod.F90 (+7)
emillour 2016-07-13 08:54 Rev.: 2588

-Small change in the dynamics/physics interface organization:
externalize (from iniphysiq) operations wich initialize settings
common to all physics packages (e.g. global grid definitions;
in practice initializations for routines either in phy_common
or in dynphy_lonlat) in inigeomphy (located in dynphy_lonlat).
iniphysiq should only initialize settings in the corresponding
physics package (e.g. phylmd for dynphy_lonlat/phylmd/iniphysiq).

- Bug fix in phydev/iophy: is_south_pole_dyn replaces
is_south_pole since rev. 2429.


9 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar: iniphysiq_mod.F90 (new)
emillour 2016-01-03 12:16 Rev.: 2418

Improving the physics/dynamics interface:
- added module callphysiq_mod.F90 in dynphy_lonlat/phy*** which contains the routine "call_physiq" which is called by calfis* and calls the physics. This way different "physiq" routine from different physics packages may be called: The calfis* routines now exposes all available fields that might be transmitted to physiq but which is actually send (ie: expected/needed by physiq) is decided in call_physiq.
- turned "physiq.F90" into module "physiq_mod.F90" for better control of "physiq" arguments. Extracted embeded "gr_fi_ecrit" as self-standing routine (but note that this routine actually only works in serial mode).

97 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar: callphysiq_mod.F90 (new 97)
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