RT4-RT5 Kick-Off Meeting: 10-11 February 2005

IPSL, Ecole Normale Supérieur, Paris

Aims of Meeting:

The main aim of the meeting is for the various groups involved in RT4 and RT5 to meet and acquaint each other with their contribution to ENSEMBLES. RT4 and RT5 have different goals, but have some overlap, especially concerning variability and extreme events studies. One of the aims of the meeting is to ensure that there is coordination of activities and that duplication of work is avoided.

It is a while since the Description of Work (DoW) was finalised and it is important that we review the activities of the various Work Packages and the contributions of the partners. In particular, we should review the 18 month Milestones and Deliverables and agree on which partners are responsible. Changes in plans or any problems in delivering the agreed work should be identified.

In RT4, coordinated time-slice and sensitivity experiments were identified as an important methodology. We need to begin discussion on the plans for these experiments and how they will relate to the deliverables in RT4.

Provisional Agenda:

Thursday 10 February


10.30 – 11.30: Welcome coffee

10.30 – 11.30: Short overviews and progress of the whole ENSEMBLES project and of RTs that are linked with RT4 and RT5.

+ ENSEMBLES project: Chris Hewitt (Hadley Centre)

+ RT1 and RT2A: Paco Doblas-Reyes (ECMWF), Jean-Francois Royer (CNRM)

+ RT3 and RT2B: Rummukainen Markku (SMHI)

+ RT6 : Andy Morse (UNILIV)

11.30 – 12.30: Overviews of RT4 and RT5 from RT leaders (need to decide which leader will give these). Discussion.

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 18.00: WP presentations by WP leaders. WP leaders should aim to speak for 30 minutes or less to leave time for discussion. The presentation should include an outline of the following:

WP leaders should solicit 1-2 slides from each of their partners to provide examples of the science being contributed.

Each presentation to be followed by discussion of the 18 month milestones and deliverables and who will be responsible. Where there are complementarities between RT4 and RT5 WPs, discussion on the links should be included (e.g. WP4.2 and WP5.2).

14.00 – 14.45 WP4.1 Feedbacks and climate surprises.

Leader: CNRS-IPSL (Pierre Friedlingstein).

14.45 – 15.30 WP4.4 Sources of predictability in current and future climates.

Leader: CERFACS (Laurent Terray)

15.30 – 16.00: Tea

16.00 – 16.45: Coordinated experiments + discussion

Leader: UREADMM (Rowan Sutton)

16.45 – 18.15: Presentations by WP leaders continued

16.45 – 17.30: WP4.2 Mechanisms of regional-scale climate change and the

impact of climate change on natural climate variability.

Leader: INGV (Silvio Gualdi).

17.30 – 18.15: WP5.2 Evaluation of climate variability.

Leader: IPSL (Pascale Braconnot).

18.15 Close

Friday 11 February


9.00 – 11.15: Presentations by WP leaders continued

9.00 – 9.45: WP4.3: Understanding Extreme Weather and Climate Events.

Leader: UREADMM (David Stephenson)

9.45 – 10.30: WP5.3: Assessment of forecast quality.

Leader: ECMWF (Doblas-Reyes).

10.30 – 11.15: WP5.5: Evaluation of seasonal-to-decadal scale impact-models

forced with downscaled ERA-40, hindcasts and gridded observational


Leader: UNILIV (Morse).

11.15 – 11.45: Coffee

11.45 – 12.15: RT4 website (Maria Noguer) and RT5 website (??)

12.15 –13.00: Synthesis by RT4 and RT5 leaders and general discussion.

13.00: End of the meeting

Practical infomations:


> meetings